Bournemouth Pier (2016)
Bournemouth Pier (2016)
Southbourne in the Snow (2011)
Southbourne in the Snow (2011)
Southbourne in the Snow (2011)
Rude TIger (2014)
Jellyfish Fest! (2012)
Egyptian Desert (2013)
A view of Albania (2011)
A view of Albania (2011)
My view of Albania (2011)
Egyptian Perspectives (2013)
Cloud dragon over Corfe Castle (2019)
Cloud dragon over Corfe Castle (2019)
Cloud dragon over Corfe Castle (2019)
Avebury beautiful stone circle!
Beachtime perfection!

Welcome to my splendid little corner of the internet! 

I hope you enjoy it


About me..

I’m a wannabe philanthropist and self-declared geek with a passion for life and a true love of travelling, live music, home-made cheese scones and positive thinking. I grew up in the wonderful sunny Bournemouth, a brilliant place and lovely beach. Every December I volunteer as Father Christmas, normally for certain care settings, it never ceases to amaze me how people react to seeing Santa!

I have an interesting background in managing a diverse range of Health and Social care services across the UK and hold a number of related qualifications including Clinical Leadership, Leading Service Innovation and Strategic & Corporate Management. I am passionate about ensuring people receive exceptional support and care; whilst overseeing modern & dynamic services and organisations that are confidently marketed to potential patients/service-users/customers/funding bodies. I can also evidence significant experience pertaining to Leadership, Strategy, Performance and Quality. 

James Gillespie


Contact me at: James@Astroduck.com

Last updated -  Summer 2024

Updated by J.Gillespie 2024